Collective UpStarts

Shortlisted - Top 5

Collective UpStarts is a nationwide competition held by Collective Studio that encourages young designers to enter and design for a live brief set by a real client. This years client was Zipcar, a car sharing company looking to push their range of electric cars.

Understanding the Company.

For the success of this short project, it was vital I understood the brand guidelines and tone of voice of Zipcar. Zipcar is a company that wants to resonate with working adults and often use slight humour in their existing campaigns. This is something I wanted to portray in my campaign and felt it was necessary for making this campaign a success.

Thinking About Locations.

Locations were a huge part of my Project. I felt it made sense to advertise the benefits of choosing Zipcar in areas that people would either use the car or in locations they may need the car. My main locations came to be Service Stations, Airports, and Motorways.


After being shortlisted and asked to attend Collective’s Studio in London for a competition day. I had to quickly turn around a pitch for the designers at Collective as well as Zipcar’s marketing representative. Creating a well rounded pitch that explains my idea and the reasoning behind it was imperative to win over the client.

See my pitch deck below ↓


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